Workshops created by Roimata Smail


Treaty training

Workshops on Te Tiriti o Waitangi the Treaty of Waitangi created by Roimata Smail, lawyer specialising in Te Tiriti for two decades and author of Bestselling handbook "Understanding Te Tiriti"

Treaty training workshops

Our workshops on te Tiriti o Waitangi the Treaty of Waitangi are inclusive and accessible. We present information in a way that is easily understood and absorbed. Participants say that they feel empowered by what they learn.

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Treaty Training workshops created by Roimata Smail lawyer specialising in Te Tiriti o Waitangi for two decades

Praise from organisations:

Roimata came and presented to our first year physiotherapy students. Even with a large group, the session was engaging and interactive. The students and staff all got a lot out of it – many students reflected that while they had learnt a bit about Te Tiriti o Waitangi at school, this was the first time they really understood its significance. Nicola Jepsen, Lecturer – physiotherapy, Auckland University of Technology

It seemed everyone learnt so much. The feedback has been very positive and people expressing a range of emotions in regards how they felt. They were very complimentary about the session and your style. Kereyn Smith, Chief Executive Officer and Secretary General, New Zealand Olympic Committee

Thanks so much for your energy, enthusiasm and advice in presenting at our Hui recently. You reminded us how important it is for organisations to undertake this type of training. I congratulate you on making a challenging topic so interesting and relevant to our group - it was greatly appreciated. Shelley McMeeken, Chief Executive, Halberg Foundation

Our teachers found the workshop engaging, accessible and informative. Completing this workshop together has been a positive experience for our school. Janet Pinchen, Principal, Glamorgan School

We will come to your premises to run a workshop for your organisation. Contact us for more information.